Cindy says...

Alan says...

Keith says...


Kristin’s As Thin As You Think Seminar gave me the focus to lose and keep off 18 pounds. The class empowered me to exchange chocolate and bread cravings with a strong desire for vegetables and other healthy food.


Hi Kristin, Well, nearly 13 years later and I’m still not smoking! I remember calling you one cold Saturday many years ago, asking when you could see me. I walked in at 11:30 the following Monday, we had our session and I haven’t smoked since. I have sent many people to you over the years, and many have also been able to quit, without the mood swings, the eating binges, or the white knuckle sweats. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


My son, who has been in a slump since the start of baseball season, listened to your recording on sports performance before his game yesterday. They started a tournament with that game, so he’s on his third game since listening. Over the course of these three games, he has made several great (and creative!) plays, he’s gotten on base 3/4 at-bats, and has had no errors. A true turn around story. THANK YOU!!


I can’t recommend Kristin enough – very effective, very worthwhile, if you want to change she’s a real kickstarter.


I attended your event in the spring and lost 30 pounds.


I’ve been experiencing excruciating pain with a tooth problem. Your hypnosis mp3 is the only thing that has been providing relief. And, it is providing very much relief. What a gift to me. Thank you.


Dear Kristin, I am officially 2 years and 1 month smoke free! I am so happy to live the smoke free life and I would never be here if it wasn’t for you! Thank you!! Wishing you many blessings!

Skype Client

You have genuinely helped transform my life!!! I honestly can’t thank you enough!


After just one session, I walked out of your office as a non-smoker. This was 12 years ago and I have not wanted a cigarette since! I know I wouldn’t be alive today if I hadn’t quit smoking with your program.


I want to thank you, Kristin. This has been the hardest time of my life, and I could not have started on the road to healing without your help. You taught me so much about how to use my mind as an ally instead of the enemy.


I have suffered with insomnia for about 11 years. I would put in a full day at work, running an office, responsible for a staff of 42 people, supporting the president and CEO of a corporation in Washington DC. By the time I got home, my body was exhausted, but my mind would continue to race. At night, I would worry so intensely about sleeping that I would fear it. Bedtime was scary for me. I read so many books about insomnia and spent thousands of dollars on new beds promising me a good nights’sleep but nothing worked. I was at the end of my rope. I used and abused sleeping aids, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs and I still did not sleep. On a typical night, I would take 5 Excedrin Pms and 1 or 2 Ambiens. If that didn’t work, I’d take a Xanax and/or Benadryl. This frightening ritual was just about every night of the week. Any sleep I did get with these drugs left me feeling groggy and tired. Recently, my best friend sent me Kristin Volk Funk’s tape, with a handwritten note that said, ‘Here is the hypnosis tape, for Gods sake DON’T LISTEN TO IT WHILE DRIVING- IT’S HYPNOSIS!’ I smiled and smirked at the same time. “AS IF, I thought to myself, like this is going to work on me!! With my high tolerance I thought this would be just one more thing to prove that I am a non-sleeping freak of nature. Another failure. Nonetheless, I promised myself that I would listen to it that night. I listened and really, REALLY liked it! I felt a warm calming feeling slowly come over me. I LOVE THIS WOMAN’S VOICE!! I felt ‘light’, like the weight of the world had been taken off my shoulders. The next thing I remember it was morning and I felt GREAT! I had slept the entire night through, without ANY drugs or medications and I felt WONDERFUL! To be perfectly honest, I was a non-believer and thought myself to be non-hypnotizable, but I have listened to this tape every night since then and have peacefully drifted off into a tranquil, deep, MUCH NEEDED sleep. Thank you, Kristin!


Hi Kristin! Just wanted to follow up with you after our Skype session – it’s been over a week now since our session and it’s been so easy to keep off wheat and sugar. It’s been great so far – the weight is continuing to drop off and at present there are no problems.